Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why can’t we find many Muslims or Palestinians in this Yahoo Q and A Group?

Why can’t we find many Muslims or Palestinians in this Yahoo Q and A Group?

I am in contact with 48 individuals and I have been recording types of materials got VOT here. None of them are offensive materials per say. Most of them are like;

1. Do You Know Islam Can Protect Itself?

2. Who Is a Semite?

3. Who Is a True Jew?

4. Theodor Hartzl, Vladimir Jabotinsky and Joseph Weitz

5. First Jewish colony in Palestine, 1878, United Nations Partition Plan-UN Resolution 181, 1947 / Rhodes Armistice Line, 1949 and Projection of the West Bank Final Status Map presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000

6. The 1952 Law of Entry, The 1952 Citizenship Law, The Law of Acquisition of Absentee Property,

7. What Is The Name of The Jewish Race?

8. The Arabs! Are the Semites? …..

It appeared to me that the Israelis and their supporters do not want people to know the truth and deliberately they are doing everything to murder the truth.

However, by the same time they are insulting and abusing anyone and everyone without any fear.

I wonder, why do we have such a double standards and hypocrisy?

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